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Ethical operations raise even SMEs to the top

Ethical operations raise even SMEs to the top
2017 / 12 / 20

Following the large enterprise sector, operating ethically is becoming increasingly important for small and medium-sized enterprises, too. These companies not only take into account the interests of their clients and suppliers but also those of their environment and employees. They set an example by their activity and attitude and strengthen trust. This attitude may constitute a basis for long-term operation and economic stability, and what is more, employees of the Y and Z generations are more eager to opt for an ethically operating workplace.

It is a global trend that, apart from consumers, employees become increasingly conscious, and prefer products and services offered by ethical companies and, if possible, to work at such places. Various analyses emphasise it: ethical operation forms the basis of a sustainable economy. CSR activities, namely integrating corporate social responsibility into the operating model, appeared in Hungary in the early 2000 s, initially mainly in the large enterprise sector. Back then, this mostly meant support, sponsorship and community involvement, then the importance of an ethical corporate culture came to the forefront. By now, ethics and transparency are linked: to be successful, even a profit-oriented business has to take into account the expectations of the environment and the social groups it is connected to. Social cooperation and sustainability came to the forefront rather than the attitude of riding roughshod over everything.
The importance of ethical operation is raised more and more frequently for small and medium-sized businesses. For example, this year the Budapest LAB Business Development Centre launched a long-term research programme on Hungarian businesses. Its first results show that, based on self-declaration, 71.4 per cent of companies consider themselves responsible and ethical on a five-point scale. Fifty-six per cent of companies have introduced measures aiming to protect the environment and 55 per cent of them support a kind of social purpose or organisation. However, a loyal atmosphere, cooperation, support for local initiatives, education, satisfied partner and customer relations, fair taxation and transparent legal processes may also be pillars of ethical operation.
The construction industry might be the least typical place in which ethical operation can be one of the most important goals upon a company’s foundation. Károly Lovász, Managing Director of KAV Hungária Kft, engaged in the design, manufacture and installation of aluminium closing systems, glass walls and sun shades, has been in the construction industry for nearly 20 years. In his opinion, an ethical business model ensures that a company is not just alive in the sector for two to three years and operates as a classic money-making company but rather as a genuine, value certain and value adding business. And this is based on meeting promises. “If we undertake something at KAV, we always meet it, whether a financial commitment or a promise to a client. We operate in the family home sphere and thus we deal with private individuals rather than with companies; in this environment this model may even operate better. Our clients do not seek a product but expertise and service. They want a contractor who they can trust to the maximum. Our clients are able to get us to replace a glass even after many years. I believe the unique moral values we follow and our customers appreciate are the secret of our current success.”
Whatever the size of the company or business, today it is important to keep in mind that, alongside profit generation, integrity, sustainability and corporate responsibility must receive a prominent role in the operating model if we want to create the image of a genuinely successful, example-setting company that is also attractive to workers.

Magócsi Anikó
2017 / 10 / 26
KAV received an ALUTA Award of Excellence again
In the “Small project” (i.e. residential building) category KAV received the 2017 ALUTA Award of Excellence for the special facade of its Zugliget family home reference, for its engineering work and implementation.
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2018 / 12 / 12
KAV closing systems also in Iceland
It has been a well-kept secret for a long time, and today many in the facade and structure building business are also talking about KAV’s new undertaking. Aluminium closing system products manufactured according to special customer demands are not only interesting due to their specific technical and weather requirements but also because of the installation location.
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2022 / 12 / 20
A flawless building with KAV windows and doors
The panorama is the soul, and the glass surfaces are one of the main organizing elements of the exceptional villa that the Etna and KAV teams worked on together. We discussed the building's features and the process of realization with Nikos Zizidis, the CEO of Etna Kft., the construction company responsible for the project.
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2018 / 06 / 19
Using aluminium closing structures might be cheaper and more appropriate
In connection with aluminium closing systems, durability, sleek design and a wide range of application opportunities pop into the mind of most people. Still, due to financial constraints many people do not consider this option when it comes to family home design. We spoke with Károly Lovász, managing Director of KAV Hungária, about the when using aluminium closing systems might pay off.
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2018 / 11 / 14
Facade structures for full transparency
Curtain walls connect several large glass surfaces into a single structure, many times in an invisible manner. Initially these elements were exclusively used in communal building technology but, with the penetration of the minimalistic style, it also appeared in the family home segment. Today it is the most dynamically developing branch of the closing structure market, in that these surfaces are suitable for individual solutions where only the imagination of the client and the designers can set the boundaries.
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2020 / 07 / 02
This is how we can extend the life of aluminium doors and windows
Long service life, high quality, exceptional durability and a modern look. Usually, these considerations also play a role in someone’s choice of aluminium doors and windows for their family home. Although distributors often advertise that aluminium front doors and windows are maintenance-free, there are a few things that we can do, not only to increase their service life but also preserve their appearance.
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2020 / 03 / 30
We will come out of this situation even stronger
Measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic have created unexpected situations in almost every area of our lives and economies. In this situation, how can we put in place competitive, proactive, and workable, yet effective procedures to serve customer needs? Károly Lovász, Managing Director of the company, reports on the changes at KAV.
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2021 / 01 / 06
The relationship between unique doors and windows and interior design
Unique windows and glass walls are playing an increasingly important role in modern family homes, so working together requires a different approach from both designers and window-door professionals than it did a few years ago. According to Csaba Finta, interior designer and art director of MYD-II, it is important that architects and interior designers take this aspect into account during the planning stage.
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2019 / 08 / 07
Building management systems today may provide the most positive added value in the areas of ventilation and cooling
Not only can a smart home simplify its residents' everyday lives through automation, but certain solutions may even reduce the impact of the property on the environment, and can provide many security and safety features. In our series, you will learn about the world of smart homes. Our goal is to provide the appropriate knowledge for decision-making and for starting to design a house.
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2020 / 03 / 18
Custom windows and doors beyond the standards
Just as in many areas of the world, ‘unique’ and ‘self-expression’ are the strongest buzzwords; so change the needs of architects and developers. However, most door and window manufacturers are finding it difficult to go beyond the standard items, although this area also offers many innovations in the field of architecture when it comes to sincerely rethinking structures.
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2020 / 02 / 10
We plan for the entire life of the building
The villa is being built in a forest environment, which allowed KAV staff to work together with staff from the TSPC group. We talked to Andrea Tóth-Lovrity, Project Manager, about the unique working method and methodology of the architectural firm.
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2019 / 04 / 08
Three KAV buildings received the ALUTA Award of Excellence
After the successes of the past two years, three KAV buildings were awarded with the ALUTA award of excellence, the only quality recognition of Hungarian aluminium window, door, facade manufacturers, in the “small project”, i.e. residential building, category.
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2021 / 08 / 05
This is how aluminium doors and windows are made
Wondering how an aluminium-framed window or door is manufactured? What happens in the machining centre? How are aluminium doors milled, reinforced, and machined in the production process? What is the size of glass surfaces that can be produced? And how to assemble a window?
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2022 / 08 / 18
The architectural design of glass structures demands special expertise
Although one of the most modern façade elements is glass, numerous problems can arise during the design process if the glass structures used have not been properly thought through. As to what makes these glass structures special, and why it is important for competent sector designers to deal with these building elements even during planning, we spoke with chartered architect György Mihály Stocker, reader in the BUTE Faculty of Civil Engineering, and vice-president of ALUTA.
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2018 / 11 / 06
A timeless house, free from trends and fast fashion
The property was built in the vicinity of water and nature, with full transparency, clarity and harmony as its main features. The house, with its unique shapes, could be completed at a very high standard of quality without making compromises. We spoke about this process with György Pintér, the owner of the house.
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2017 / 09 / 05
We build for the future rather than for today
Clear shapes, large glass surfaces, spacious interior spaces and creative use of materials – these are the main features of the most predominant architectural style of our era, minimalistic design, in which interest is outstanding in Hungary. However, the number of really well designed and built minimalistic family homes is relatively low. The property our engineers consider as one of the best designed ones our company has met in recent years was built in Budapest. During the project we paid increased attention to the design of large, liberally designed glass surfaces, essential for creating open spaces. We had a conversation with the developer of the house about what was needed to create this property.
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2021 / 01 / 06
With unique windows to Norway
With unique windows to Norway
Aluminium windows and doors also play a prominent role in Norwegian architecture, not only in public construction, but also in residential buildings and condominium investments. The long-term goal of KAV is, after Iceland, to gain experience in Norway, so it applied for admission to the Hungarian-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce (MNKK). We talked about the possibilities with the founder of the chamber, Klára Jankovics, and Beatrix Kosztyi, foreign economic attaché, the secretary-general of the chamber
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2020 / 05 / 12
Uniquely developed coating against viruses and bacteria
Az egyetlen építőipari szerkezet, amellyel az ember kontaktusba került, az a nyílászáró. Közvetlenül a kilinccsel és a fogantyúkkal érintkezünk, amelyek segítségével nyitni, zárni tudjuk a szerkezeteket. A fejlesztők a hagyományos megoldások mellett ma vírusokat és baktériumokat semlegesítő bevonatokkal, egyedi felületkezelési megoldásokkal és újrahasznosított, minimalista designú termékekkel is kísérleteznek.
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2020 / 08 / 25
With innovation, there is a solution to every issue
The changing needs of customers and architects require continuous innovation in the field of aluminium door and window systems, too. One of the basic ideas of KAV's operation is that we believe that there is a solution to every issue. Of course, we also work in this spirit during our developments. The KAV Optivision system was created with the professional support of Alukönigstahl. Together with the company's sales representative, Gábor Kiss, we are looking for answers to those frequently asked questions that can be solved using existing products.
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